Revelation has been the most used book for cults. It could mean just about anything, according o the way you slant it. Christ was given all authority over everything when he was resurrected to heaven.
So why has NOTHING changed? People still suffer and die and the earth is far from peaceful. It's been almost 2000 years and nothing, nada. Did you ever wonder why it takes God or Christ so long to turn things around?
In the meantime, people continue to suffer. Does their suffering matter? So a thousand years is like a day to God, but what is it like to mankind? If the sins of mankind and death itself has been conquered, can we please just get on with it?
I am not trying to be blasphemous, just wonder when the feelings of us poor humans will take center stage and get some attention. I'm also not looking for excuses for the delay.
!000 year reign, sounds great, but even that won't solve the problems because they say there will be anther war after that. I just wish the heavenly side of this dilemma would get straightened out so the poor flesh and blood creatures can stop suffering the consequences of their disagreements.